Source code for radical.utils.timing

__author__    = "Radical.Utils Development Team"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020, RADICAL@Rutgers"
__license__   = "MIT"

# pylint: disable=protected-access

import time
import threading as mt

from   datetime import datetime

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# static datetime instance used for the `epoch` helper method
_epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1)

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[docs]def epoch(data, pattern): ''' convert a given datetime string into seconds since EPOCH. The string is parsed as defined by POSIX's `strptime()`. ''' return dt_epoch(datetime.strptime(data, pattern))
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[docs]def dt_epoch(dt): ''' convert a given datetime instance into seconds since EPOCH. ''' return (dt - _epoch).total_seconds()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Provides class decorators to time all public class methods # # The class decorator is provided as decorator method `@timed_class`, and as # decorator class `@TimedClass`. It thus also serves as documentation on the # different ways to implement class decorators. # # This is called on *decorator class* instantiation
[docs]def timed_method(func): ''' This class decorator will decorate all public class methods with a timing function. That will time the call invocation, and store the respective data in a private class dict '__timing'. Additionally, it will add the class method '_timing_last()', which will return the tuple `[method name, method timer]` for the last timed invocation of a class method. ''' # apply timing decorator to all public methods def func_timer(obj, *args, **kwargs): try: _ = obj.__timing assert _ except Exception: # never seen this one before -- create private timing dict, and add # timing_last method obj.__timing = dict() def timing_last(): last_call = obj.__timing.get('__last_call', None) timer = obj.__timing.get(last_call, [None])[0] return last_call, timer def timing_stats(): import math ret = "" for key in sorted(obj.__timing.keys()): if key == '__last_call': continue tlist = obj.__timing[key] tnum = len(tlist) tmean = sum(tlist) / tnum tdev = [x - tmean for x in tlist] tdev2 = [x * x for x in tdev] tstd = math.sqrt(sum(tdev2) / tnum) ret += "%-20s: %10.3fs (+/- %5.3fs) [n=%5d]\n" \ % (key, tmean, tstd, tnum) return ret def timing_reset(): obj.__timing = dict() obj._timing_last = timing_last obj._timing_stats = timing_stats obj._timing_reset = timing_reset # object is set up -- time the call and record timings fname = func.__name__ tdict = obj.__timing start = time.time() ret = func(obj, *args, **kwargs) stop = time.time() timed = stop - start if fname not in tdict: tdict[fname] = list() tdict[fname].append(timed) tdict['__last_call'] = fname return ret return func_timer
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[docs]class Time(object): ''' This is a timing class that allows to simulate different types of clocks. Parameters: tick: This is the resolution of the clock. speed: This is the speed of the clock. ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, tick=0.01, speed=1.0): self._tick = tick self._speed = speed self._seconds = 0.0 self._term = mt.Event() self._lock = mt.Lock() self._clock = mt.Thread(target=self._clock_thread) self._clock.daemon = True self._clock.start() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def stop(self): ''' Stops the clock ''' self._term.set() self._clock.join()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _clock_thread(self): last = time.time() while not self._term.is_set(): time.sleep(self._tick) now = time.time() with self._lock: self._seconds += (now - last) * self._speed last = now # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def time(self): ''' Returns the current value of the clock ''' return self._seconds
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[docs] def sleep(self, amount): ''' Sleeps for a specific amount of time units. Actual time spent is equal to amount divided by speed. ''' time.sleep(amount / self._speed)
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[docs] def advance(self, amount): ''' Advance the clock with a specific amount of time units ''' with self._lock: self._seconds += amount
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