Source code for radical.utils.plugin_manager

__author__    = 'Radical.Utils Development Team (Andre Merzky)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013, RADICAL@Rutgers'
__license__   = 'MIT'

import os
import sys
import glob
import pprint

from importlib  import util as imp

from .singleton import Singleton
from .logger    import Logger
from .misc      import as_list

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[docs]class PluginBase(object): ''' This class serves as base class for any plugin managed by the plugin handler ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, descr: dict) -> None: ''' This constructor MUST be called by any inheriting implementation. ''' self._plugin_descr = descr @property def plugin_type(self) -> str: return self._plugin_descr['type'] @property def plugin_name(self) -> str: return self._plugin_descr['name'] @property def plugin_class(self) -> str: return self._plugin_descr['class'] @property def plugin_version(self) -> str: return self._plugin_descr['version'] @property def plugin_description(self) -> str: return self._plugin_descr['description']
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[docs]class PluginManager(object, metaclass=Singleton): ''' The PluginManager manages plugins of specific types: the manager can search for installed plugins, list and describe plugins found, load plugins, and instantiate the plugin for further use. Example: # try to load the 'echo' plugin from the 'radical' namespace plugin_type = 'echo' pm = radical.utils.PluginManager('radical') for plugin_name in pm.list(plugin_type): print plugin_name print pm.describe(plugin_type, plugin_name) default_plugin = pm.load('echo', 'default') default_plugin.init_plugin('world') # prints 'hello default world' The plugins are expected to follow a specific naming and coding schema to be recognized by the plugin manager. The naming schema is: [namespace].plugins.[ptype].plugin_[ptype]_[pname].py i.e. for the example above: `` The plugin code consists of two parts: a plugin description, and a plugin class. The description is a module level dictionary named `PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION`, the plugin class must have a class constructor `__init__(*args, **kwargs)` to create plugin instances for further use. At this point, we leave the definition of the exact plugin signatures open, but expect that to be more strictly defined per plugin type in the future. Note that the PluginManager construction is, at this point, not considered thread safe. ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, namespaces): ''' namespace: name of module (plugins are expected in namespace/plugins/) ''' # import here to avoid circular imports self._namespaces = as_list(namespaces) self._registry = dict() self._seen = list() self._log = Logger('radical.utils') for namespace in self._namespaces: self.load_plugins(namespace, self._log) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def seen(self, pfile): if pfile in self._seen: return True else: self._seen.append(pfile) return False
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[docs] def register(self, ptype, pname, pinfo): if ptype not in self._registry: self._registry[ptype] = dict() if pname not in self._registry[ptype]: self._registry[ptype][pname] = pinfo
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[docs] def retrieve(self, ptype, pname): return self._registry.get(ptype, {}).get(pname)
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[docs] def load_plugins(self, namespace, log): ''' Load all plugins for the given namespace. Previously loaded plugins are overloaded. ''''loading plugins for namespace %s' % namespace) # search for plugins in all system module paths for spath in sys.path: # we only load plugins installed under the namespace hierarchy npath = namespace.replace('.', '/') ppath = '%s/%s/plugin*/' % (spath, npath) pglob1 = '*/plugin_*.py' pglob2 = 'plugin_*.py' # we assume that all python sources in that location are # suitable plugins pfiles = glob.glob(ppath + pglob1) + glob.glob(ppath + pglob2) if not pfiles: continue for pfile in pfiles: # from the full plugin file name, derive a short name for more # useful logging, duplication checks etc. -- simply remove the # namespace path portion... if pfile.startswith(spath): pshort = pfile[len(spath):] else: pshort = pfile if self.seen(pshort): continue try: modname = '%s.plugins.%s.%s' % (namespace, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(pfile)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pfile))[0]) # now load the plugin proper spec = imp.spec_from_file_location(modname, pfile) plugin = imp.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(plugin) # get plugin details from description ptype = plugin.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION.get('type', None) pname = plugin.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION.get('name', None) pclass = plugin.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION.get('class', None) pvers = plugin.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION.get('version', None) pdescr = plugin.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION.get('description', None) # make sure details are complete if not ptype: log.error('no plugin type in %s' % pshort) continue if not pname: log.error('no plugin name in %s' % pshort) continue if not pclass: log.error('no plugin class in %s' % pshort) continue if not pvers: log.error('no plugin version in %s' % pshort) continue if not pdescr: log.error('no plugin description in %s' % pshort) continue # now put the plugin and plugin info into the plugin # registry. Duh! pinfo = { 'plugin' : plugin, 'class' : pclass, 'type' : ptype, 'name' : pname, 'version' : pvers, 'description': pdescr, 'instance' : None } self.register(ptype, pname, pinfo) log.debug('loading plugin %s' % pfile) ('loading plugin %s' % pshort) except Exception: log.exception('loading plugin %s failed' % pshort)
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[docs] def list_types(self): ''' return a list of loaded plugin types ''' return list(self._registry.keys())
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[docs] def list(self, ptype): ''' return a list of loaded plugins for a given plugin type ''' if ptype not in self._registry: self._log.debug(self.dump_str()) raise LookupError('No such plugin type %s in %s' % (ptype, list(self._registry.keys()))) return list(self._registry[ptype].keys())
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[docs] def describe(self, ptype, pname): ''' return a plugin details for a given plugin type / name pair ''' if ptype not in self._registry: self._log.debug(self.dump_str()) raise LookupError('No such plugin type %s in %s' % (ptype, list(self._registry.keys()))) if pname not in self._registry[ptype]: self._log.debug(self.dump_str()) raise LookupError('No such plugin name %s (type: %s) in %s' % (pname, ptype, list(self._registry[ptype].keys()))) return self._registry[ptype][pname]
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[docs] def load(self, ptype, pname, *args, **kwargs): ''' check if a plugin with given type and name was loaded, if so, instantiate its plugin class and return it. ''' if ptype not in self._registry: self._log.debug(self.dump_str()) raise LookupError('No such plugin type %s in %s' % (ptype, list(self._registry.keys()))) if pname not in self._registry[ptype]: self._log.debug(self.dump_str()) raise LookupError('No such plugin name %s (type: %s) in %s' % (pname, ptype, list(self._registry[ptype].keys()))) try: pdescr = self._registry[ptype][pname] plugin = pdescr['plugin'] pclass = pdescr['class'] pinst = getattr(plugin, pclass)(pdescr, *args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(pinst, PluginBase), pinst except Exception as e: self._log.exception('plugin init failed') raise LookupError('Failed to load plugin %s (type: %s)' % (pname, ptype)) from e return pinst
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[docs] def dump(self): print('plugins') pprint.pprint(self._registry)
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[docs] def dump_str(self): return 'plugins: \n%s' % pprint.pformat(self._registry)
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