Source code for radical.utils.logger

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013-2014,"
__license__   = "MIT"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Using the RU logging module can lead to deadlocks when used in multiprocess and
multithreaded environments.  This is due to the native python logging library
not being thread save.  See [1] for a Python bug report on the topic from 2009.
As of 2016, a patch is apparently submitted, but not yet accepted, for Python
3.5.  So we have to solve the problem on our own.

The fix is encoded in the 'after_fork()' method.  That method *must* be called
immediately after a process fork.  A fork will carry over all locks from the
parent process -- but it will not carry over any threads.  That means that, if
a fork happens while a thread owns the lock, the child process will start with
a locked lock -- but since there are no threads, there is actually nobody who
can unlock the lock, thus badaboom.

Since after the fork we *know* the logging locks should be unset (after all, we
are not in a logging call right now, are we?), we pre-emtively unlock them here.
But, to do so we need to know what locks exist in the first place.  For that
purpose, we create a process-singleton of all the loggers we hand out via

Logging locks are 'threading.RLock' instances.  As such they can be locked
multiple times (from within the same thread), and we have to unlock them that
many times.  We use a shortcut, and create a new, unlocked lock.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: ForkingPickler does not like lambdas nor local functions, thus use
#       a module level function to disable loggers.
def _noop(*args, **kwargs):

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import threading
import colorama
import logging

from typing import Dict

from   .atfork    import atfork
from   .misc      import get_env_ns       as ru_get_env_ns
from   .modules   import import_module    as ru_import_module
from   .config    import DefaultConfig
from   .singleton import Singleton

ERROR    = logging.ERROR
WARN     = logging.WARNING
INFO     = logging.INFO
DEBUG    = logging.DEBUG
OFF      = 60

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _LoggerRegistry(object, metaclass=Singleton):

    from .singleton import Singleton

    def __init__(self):
        self._registry = list()

    def add(self, logger):

    def release_all(self):
        for logger in self._registry:
            while logger:
                for handler in logger.handlers:
                    handler.lock = threading.RLock()
                  # handler.reset()
                logger = logger.parent

    def close_all(self):

        for logger in self._registry:
            while logger:
                for handler in logger.handlers:
                logger = logger.parent
        self._registry = list()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_logger_registry = _LoggerRegistry()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _after_fork():

    logging._lock = threading.RLock()         # pylint: disable=protected-access

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _atfork_prepare():

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _atfork_parent():

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _atfork_child():

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
atfork(_atfork_prepare, _atfork_parent, _atfork_child)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ColorStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ A colorized output SteamHandler """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, target): logging.StreamHandler.__init__(self, target) self._tty = self._term = getattr(self, 'terminator', '\n') self.colours = {'DEBUG' : colorama.Fore.CYAN, 'INFO' : colorama.Fore.GREEN, 'WARN' : colorama.Fore.YELLOW, 'WARNING' : colorama.Fore.YELLOW, 'ERROR' : colorama.Fore.RED, 'CRITICAL' : colorama.Back.RED + colorama.Fore.WHITE, 'RESET' : colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + self._term } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def emit(self, record): # only write in color when using a tty if self._tty:'%s%s%s' % (self.colours[record.levelname], self.format(record), self.colours['RESET'])) else: + self._term)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]class FSHandler(logging.FileHandler): def __init__(self, target): try: os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(target))) except: pass # exists logging.FileHandler.__init__(self, target)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]class Logger(object): ''' Logger documentation ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, name, ns=None, path=None, targets=None, level=None, debug=None, verbose=False): """ Get a logging handle. `name` is used to identify log entries on this handle. `ns` is used as environment name space to check for the log level `targets` is a comma separated list (or Python list) of specifiers, where specifiers are: `0` : /dev/null `null` : /dev/null `-` : stdout `1` : stdout `stdout` : stdout `=` : stderr `2` : stderr `stderr` : stderr `.` : logfile named ./<name>.log <string> : logfile named <string> `path` file system location to write logfiles to (created as needed) `level` log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, OFF) `debug` debug level (0-9) If `ns` is, for example, set to `radical.utils`, then the following environment variables are evaluated: RADICAL_UTILS_LOG_LVL RADICAL_LOG_LVL RADICAL_UTILS_LOG_TGT RADICAL_LOG_TGT The first found variable of each pair is then used for the respective settings. """ self._name = name self._ns = ns self._path = path self._targets = targets self._level = level self._debug_level = debug self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose self._num_level = 0 self._logger = None # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _ensure_handler(self): if self._logger: return ru_def = DefaultConfig() # make sure handlers are attached. If they are not, attach them! self._logger = logging.getLogger(self._name) self._logger.propagate = False # let messages not trickle upward = self._name # otherwise configure this logger if not self._path: self._path = ru_def['log_dir'] if not self._ns: self._ns = self._name if not self._targets: self._targets = ru_get_env_ns('log_tgt', self._ns) if not self._targets: self._targets = ru_def['log_tgt'] if isinstance(self._targets, str): self._targets = self._targets.split(',') if not isinstance(self._targets, list): self._targets = [self._targets] if not self._level: self._level = ru_get_env_ns('log_lvl', self._ns) if not self._level: # backward compatibility self._level = ru_get_env_ns('verbose', self._ns) if not self._level: self._level = ru_def['log_lvl'] if self._level in [OFF, 'OFF']: self._targets = ['null'] try: self._level = int(self._level) except: pass self._debug_level = self._debug or 0 if isinstance(self._level, int): if self._level < 10: self._debug_level = 10 - self._level self._level = 'DEBUG' elif self._level.upper().startswith('DEBUG_'): self._debug_level = int(self._level.split('_', 1)[1]) self._level = 'DEBUG' if self._level != 'DEBUG': self._debug_level = 0 # translate numeric levels into upper case symbolic ones levels = {'60' : 'OFF', '50' : 'CRITICAL', '40' : 'ERROR', '30' : 'WARNING', '20' : 'INFO', '10' : 'DEBUG', '0' : ru_def['log_lvl']} self._level = levels.get(str(self._level), str(self._level)).upper() self._warning = None if self._level not in list(levels.values()): self._warning = "invalid loglevel '%s', use '%s'" \ % (self._level, ru_def['log_lvl']) self._level = ru_def['log_lvl'] formatter = logging.Formatter('%(created).3f : ' '%(name)-20s : ' '%(process)-5d : ' '%(thread)-5d : ' '%(levelname)-8s : ' '%(message)s') # print('%-30s -> %-10s %d' % (name, level, debug_level)) # add a handler for each targets (using the same format) if not self._logger.handlers: p = self._path n = self._name for t in self._targets: if t in ['0', 'null'] : h = logging.NullHandler() elif t in ['-', '1', 'stdout']: h = ColorStreamHandler(sys.stdout) elif t in ['=', '2', 'stderr']: h = ColorStreamHandler(sys.stderr) elif t in ['.'] : h = FSHandler("%s/%s.log" % (p, n)) elif t.startswith('/') : h = FSHandler(t) else : h = FSHandler("%s/%s" % (p, t)) h.setFormatter(formatter) = self._logger.addHandler(h) if self._level != 'OFF': self._logger.setLevel(self._level) if self._warning: self._logger.warning(self._warning) # if `name` points to module, try to log its version info if self._verbose: self._ensure_handler() try:"%-20s version: %s", 'python.interpreter', ' '.join(sys.version.split())) mod = ru_import_module(self._name) if hasattr(mod, 'version_detail'):"%-20s version: %s", self._name, getattr(mod, 'version_detail')) elif hasattr(mod, 'version'):"%-20s version: %s", self._name, getattr(mod, 'version')) except: pass # also log pid and tid try:"%-20s pid/tid: %s/%s", '', os.getpid(), threading.current_thread().name) except: pass # keep the handle a round, for cleaning up on fork _logger_registry.add(self._logger) self._numerics : Dict[str, int] = {'off' : 60, 'critical': 50, 'error' : 40, 'warning' : 30, 'info' : 20, 'debug' : 10} # store properties self._num_level = self._numerics.get(self._level.lower(), 0) if self._level == 'DEBUG': self._num_level -= self._debug_level # backward compatibility self._logger.warn = self._logger.warning # treat `self.debug_1()`, `self.debug_2()` etc. the same as # `self.debug()` if the respective `debug_level` is set, and ignore # otherwise. All other unknown method calls are forwarded to the nativ # logger instance. This is basically inheritance, but since the logger # class has no constructor, we do it this way. # disable all loggers self.critical = _noop self.error = _noop self.warn = _noop self.warning = _noop = _noop self.debug = _noop self.debug_1 = _noop self.debug_2 = _noop self.debug_3 = _noop self.debug_4 = _noop self.debug_5 = _noop self.debug_6 = _noop self.debug_7 = _noop self.debug_8 = _noop self.debug_9 = _noop # enable the ones we are configured for: if self._num_level <= 50: self.critical = self._logger.critical if self._num_level <= 40: self.error = self._logger.error if self._num_level <= 30: self.warn = self._logger.warn if self._num_level <= 30: self.warning = self._logger.warning if self._num_level <= 20: = if self._num_level <= 10: self.debug = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 9: self.debug_1 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 8: self.debug_2 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 7: self.debug_3 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 6: self.debug_4 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 5: self.debug_5 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 4: self.debug_6 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 3: self.debug_7 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 2: self.debug_8 = self._logger.debug if self._num_level <= 1: self.debug_9 = self._logger.debug # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def name(self): return self._name @property def ns(self): return self._ns @property def path(self): return self._path @property def level(self): return self._level @property def debug_level(self): return self._debug_level @property def num_level(self): return self._num_level @property def targets(self): return self._targets # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # All unknown method calls are forwarded to the nativ logger instance. # This is basically inheritance, but since the logger class has no # constructor, we do it this way. # def __getattr__(self, name): self._ensure_handler() try: return getattr(self, name) except: return getattr(self._logger, name) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Add a close method to make sure we can close file handles etc. This also # closes handles on all parent loggers (if those exist). #
[docs] def close(self): logger = self._logger while logger: for handler in logger.handlers: handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler) logger = logger.parent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------