Source code for radical.utils.ids

__author__    = "Radical.Utils Development Team (Andre Merzky)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, RADICAL@Rutgers"
__license__   = "MIT"

import os
import time
import uuid
import fcntl
import socket
import datetime
import threading

from .singleton import Singleton
from .misc      import dockerized, get_radical_base

TEMPLATE_SIMPLE  = "%(prefix)s.%(counter)04d"
TEMPLATE_UNIQUE  = "%(prefix)s.%(date)s.%(time)s.%(pid)06d.%(counter)04d"
TEMPLATE_PRIVATE = "%(prefix)s.%(host)s.%(user)s.%(days)06d.%(day_counter)04d"
TEMPLATE_UUID    = "%(prefix)s.%(uuid)s"

_cache = {'dir'       : list(),
          'user'      : None,
          'pid'       : os.getpid(),
          'dockerized': dockerized(),
          'rank'      : None}

if _cache['rank'] is None: _cache['rank'] = os.environ.get('PMIX_RANK')
if _cache['rank'] is None: _cache['rank'] = os.environ.get('PMI_RANK')
if _cache['rank'] is None: _cache['rank'] = os.environ.get('OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK')

if _cache['rank'] is None: _cache['rank'] = 0
else                     : _cache['rank'] = int(_cache['rank'])

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _IDRegistry(object, metaclass=Singleton):
    This helper class (which is not exposed to any user of radical.utils)
    generates a sequence of continuous numbers for each known ID prefix.  It is
    a singleton, and thread safe (assuming that the Singleton metaclass supports
    thread safe construction).

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self):
        Initialized the registry dict and the threading lock

        self._rlock    = threading.RLock()
        self._registry = dict()

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_counter(self, prefix):
        Obtain the next number in the sequence for the given prefix.
        If the prefix is not known, a new registry counter is created.

        with self._rlock:

            if prefix not in self._registry:
                self._registry[prefix] = 0

            ret = self._registry[prefix]

            self._registry[prefix] += 1

        return ret

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def reset_counter(self, prefix, reset_all_others=False):
        Reset the given counter to zero.

        with self._rlock:

            if reset_all_others:
                # reset all counters *but* the one given
                for p in self._registry:
                    if p != prefix:
                        self._registry[p] = 0
                self._registry[prefix] = 0

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# we create on private singleton instance for the ID registry.
_id_registry = _IDRegistry()
_BASE        = get_radical_base('utils')

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ID_SIMPLE  = 'simple'
ID_UNIQUE  = 'unique'
ID_PRIVATE = 'private'
ID_CUSTOM  = 'custom'
ID_UUID    = 'uuid'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def generate_id(prefix: str, mode=ID_SIMPLE, ns=None): """ Generate a human readable, sequential ID for the given prefix. The ID is by default very simple and thus very readable, but cannot be assumed to be globally unique -- simple ID uniqueness is only guaranteed within the scope of one python instance. If `mode` is set to the non-default type `ID_UNIQUE`, an attempt is made to generate readable but globally unique IDs -- although the level of confidence for uniqueness is significantly smaller than for, say UUIDs. The ID format per mode is: ID_SIMPLE = "%(prefix)s.%(counter)04d" ID_UNIQUE = "%(prefix)s.%(date)s.%(time)s.%(pid)06d.%(counter)04d" ID_PRIVATE = "%(prefix)s.%(host)s.%(user)s.%(days)06d.%(day_counter)04d" ID_UUID = "%(prefix)s.%(uuid)s" Examples:: print(radical.utils.generate_id('item')) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item')) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_SIMPLE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_SIMPLE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_UNIQUE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_UNIQUE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_PRIVATE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_PRIVATE)) print(radical.utils.generate_id('item', mode=radical.utils.ID_UUID)) The above will generate the IDs: item.0000 item.0001 item.0002 item.0003 item.2014. item.2014. item.cameo.merzky.018375.0000 item.cameo.merzky.018375.0001 item.23cacb7e-0b08-11e5-9f0f-08002716eaa9 where 'cameo' is the (short) hostname, 'merzky' is the username, and '18375' is 'days since epoch'. The last element, the counter is unique for each id type and item type, and restarts for each session (application process). In the last case though (`ID_PRIVATE`), the counter is reset for every new day, and can thus span multiple applications. 'ns' argument can be specified to a value such that unique IDs are created local to that namespace. For example, you can create a session and use the session ID as a namespace for all the IDs of the objects of that execution. Example:: sid = generate_id('re.session', ID_PRIVATE) uid1 = generate_id('task.%(item_counter)04d', ID_CUSTOM, ns=sid) uid2 = generate_id('task.%(item_counter)04d', ID_CUSTOM, ns=sid) ... This will generate the following ids:: re.session.rivendell.vivek.017548.0001 task.0000 task.0001 where the `task.*` IDs are unique for the used sid namespace. The namespaces are stored under ```$RADICAL_BASE/.radical/utils/```. If `RADICAL_BASE` is not set, then `$HOME` is used. Note that for docker containers, we try to avoid hostname / username clashes and will, for `ID_PRIVATE`, revert to `ID_UUID`. """ if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError('"prefix" must be a string, not %s' % type(prefix)) if _cache['dockerized'] and mode == ID_PRIVATE: mode = ID_UUID if mode == ID_CUSTOM : template = prefix elif mode == ID_UUID : template = TEMPLATE_UUID elif mode == ID_SIMPLE : template = TEMPLATE_SIMPLE elif mode == ID_UNIQUE : template = TEMPLATE_UNIQUE elif mode == ID_PRIVATE: template = TEMPLATE_PRIVATE else: raise ValueError("unsupported mode '%s'", mode) return _generate_id(template, prefix, ns)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def _generate_id(template, prefix, ns=None): # FIXME: several of the vars below are constants, and many of them are # rarely used in IDs. They should be created only once per module instance, # and/or only if needed. state_dir = _BASE if ns: state_dir = os.path.join(_BASE, ns) if state_dir not in _cache['dir']: try : os.makedirs(state_dir) except: pass _cache['dir'].append(state_dir) # seconds since epoch(float), and timestamp seconds = time.time() now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds) days = int(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)) if not _cache['user']: try: import getpass _cache['user'] = getpass.getuser() except: _cache['user'] = 'nobody' user = _cache['user'] info = dict() info['day_counter' ] = 0 info['item_counter'] = 0 info['counter' ] = 0 info['prefix' ] = prefix info['seconds' ] = int(seconds) # full seconds since epoch info['days' ] = days # full days since epoch info['user' ] = user # local username info['now' ] = now info['date' ] = "%04d.%02d.%02d" % (now.year, now.month, info['time' ] = "%02d.%02d.%02d" % (now.hour, now.minute, now.second) info['pid' ] = _cache['pid'] info['rank' ] = _cache['rank'] # the following ones are time consuming, and only done when needed if '%(host)' in template: info['host'] = socket.gethostname() # localhost if '%(uuid)' in template: info['uuid'] = uuid.uuid1() # plain uuid def _read_file_counter(name): fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) try: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) except OSError: # fcntl.flock might cause OSError: [Errno 524] Unknown error 524 # (the case for Theta@ALCF) fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET) data =, 256) if not data: output = 0 else : output = int(data) os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET) os.write(fd, str.encode("%d\n" % (output + 1))) os.close(fd) return output if '%(day_counter)' in template: fname = os.path.join(state_dir, 'ru_%s_%s.cnt' % (user, days)) info['day_counter'] = _read_file_counter(fname) if '%(item_counter)' in template: # clean up "prefix" to use in file name # FIXME: extend same procedure for other cases (with regex?) if '%(item_counter)' in prefix: prefix_parts = prefix.split('.') for _idx in range(len(prefix_parts)): if '%(item_counter)' in prefix_parts[_idx]: prefix_parts[_idx] = 'item_counter' break prefix = '.'.join(prefix_parts) fname = os.path.join(state_dir, 'ru_%s_%s.cnt' % (user, prefix)) info['item_counter'] = _read_file_counter(fname) if '%(counter)' in template: info['counter'] = _id_registry.get_counter(prefix.replace('%', '')) try: ret = template % info except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('unknown pattern in template (%s)' % template) from e return ret # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def reset_id_counters(prefix=None, reset_all_others=False): if not isinstance(prefix, list): prefix = [prefix] for p in prefix: if isinstance(p, str): p = p.replace('%', '') _id_registry.reset_counter(p, reset_all_others)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------