Source code for

__author__    = 'RADICAL-Cybertools Team'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2021, The RADICAL-Cybertools Team'
__license__   = 'MIT'

import collections
import math
import netifaces
import socket

from functools import reduce

from .misc import as_list, ru_open

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_hostname = None

[docs]def get_hostname(): """Look up the hostname.""" global _hostname # pylint: disable=W0603 if not _hostname: _hostname = socket.getfqdn() return _hostname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _hostip = None
[docs]def get_hostip(req=None, log=None): """Look up the IP address for a given requested interface name. If interface is not given, do some magic.""" global _hostip # pylint: disable=W0603 if _hostip: return _hostip AF_INET = netifaces.AF_INET # We create an ordered preference list, consisting of: # - given arglist # - white list (hardcoded preferred interfaces) # - black_list (hardcoded unfavorable interfaces) # - all others (whatever is not in the above) # Then this list is traversed, we check if the interface exists and has an # IP address. The first match is used. req = as_list(req) white_list = [ 'ens1f1', # amarel # 'ib0', # infiniband 'hsn0', # Frontier (HPE Cray EX) 'ipogif0', # Cray's 'br0', # SuperMIC 'eth0', # desktops etc. 'wlan0' # laptops etc. ] black_list = [ 'lo', # takes the 'inter' out of the 'net' 'sit0' # ? ] ifaces = netifaces.interfaces() rest = [iface for iface in ifaces if iface not in req and iface not in white_list and iface not in black_list] preflist = req + white_list + rest for iface in preflist: if iface not in ifaces: if log: log.debug('check iface %s: does not exist', iface) continue info = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface) if AF_INET not in info: if log: log.debug('check iface %s: no information', iface) continue if not len(info[AF_INET]): if log: log.debug('check iface %s: insufficient information', iface) continue if not info[AF_INET][0].get('addr'): if log: log.debug('check iface %s: disconnected', iface) continue ip = info[AF_INET][0].get('addr') if log: log.debug('check iface %s: ip is %s', iface, ip) if ip: _hostip = ip return ip return ''
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[docs]def create_hostfile(sandbox, name, hostlist, sep=' ', impaired=False): hostlist = as_list(hostlist) filename = '%s/%s.hosts' % (sandbox or '.', name) with ru_open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: if not impaired: # create dict: {'host1': x, 'host2': y} counter = collections.Counter(hostlist) # convert it into an ordered dict, count_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda h: h[0])) hosts = ['%s%s%d' % (h, sep, c) for h, c in count_dict.items()] fout.write('\n'.join(hosts) + '\n') else: # write entry "hostN\nhostM\n" fout.write('\n'.join(hostlist) + '\n') # return the filename, caller is responsible for cleaning up return filename
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[docs]def compress_hostlist(hostlist): # create dict: {'host1': x, 'host2': y} count_dict = dict(collections.Counter(hostlist)) # find the gcd of the host counts (gcd of a list of numbers) host_gcd = reduce(math.gcd, set(count_dict.values())) # divide host counts by the gcd for host in count_dict: count_dict[host] /= host_gcd # recreate a list of hosts based on the normalized dict hosts = [] for host, count in count_dict.items(): hosts.extend([host] * int(count)) # sort the list for readability hosts.sort() return hosts
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[docs]def get_hostlist_by_range(hoststring, prefix='', width=0): """Convert string with host IDs into list of hosts. Example: Cobalt RM would have host template as 'nid%05d' get_hostlist_by_range('1-3,5', prefix='nid', width=5) => ['nid00001', 'nid00002', 'nid00003', 'nid00005'] """ if not hoststring.replace('-', '').replace(',', '').isnumeric(): raise ValueError('non numeric set of ranges (%s)' % hoststring) host_ids = [] id_width = 0 for num in hoststring.split(','): num_range = num.split('-') if len(num_range) > 1: num_lo, num_hi = num_range if not num_lo or not num_hi: raise ValueError('incorrect range format (%s)' % num) host_ids.extend(list(range(int(num_lo), int(num_hi) + 1))) else: host_ids.append(int(num_range[0])) id_width = max(id_width, *[len(n) for n in num_range]) width = width or id_width return ['%s%0*d' % (prefix, width, hid) for hid in host_ids]
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[docs]def get_hostlist(hoststring): """Convert string with hosts (IDs within brackets) into list of hosts. Example: 'node-b1-[1-3,5],node-c1-4,node-d3-3,node-k[10-12,15]' => ['node-b1-1', 'node-b1-2', 'node-b1-3', 'node-b1-5', 'node-c1-4', 'node-d3-3', 'node-k10', 'node-k11', 'node-k12', 'node-k15'] """ output = [] hoststring += ',' host_group = [] idx, idx_stop = 0, len(hoststring) while idx != idx_stop: comma_idx = hoststring.find(',', idx) bracket_idx = hoststring.find('[', idx) if comma_idx >= 0 and (bracket_idx == -1 or comma_idx < bracket_idx): if host_group: prefix = hoststring[idx:comma_idx] if prefix: for h_idx in range(len(host_group)): host_group[h_idx] += prefix output.extend(host_group) del host_group[:] else: output.append(hoststring[idx:comma_idx]) idx = comma_idx + 1 elif bracket_idx >= 0 and (comma_idx == -1 or bracket_idx < comma_idx): prefix = hoststring[idx:bracket_idx] if not host_group: host_group.append(prefix) else: for h_idx in range(len(host_group)): host_group[h_idx] += prefix closed_bracket_idx = hoststring.find(']', bracket_idx) range_set = hoststring[(bracket_idx + 1):closed_bracket_idx] host_group_ = [] for prefix in host_group: host_group_.extend(get_hostlist_by_range(range_set, prefix)) host_group = host_group_ idx = closed_bracket_idx + 1 return output
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[docs]def is_localhost(host: str) -> bool: ''' Returns `True` if given hostname is localhost, `False` otherwise. ''' if not host: return True elif host == 'localhost': return True else: sockhost = socket.gethostname() while sockhost: if host == sockhost: return True sockhost = '.'.join(sockhost.split('.')[1:]) return False
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