Source code for radical.utils.heartbeat

import os
import time
import pprint
import signal

import threading as mt

from .misc   import as_list
from .logger import Logger

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[docs]class Heartbeat(object): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, uid, timeout, interval=1, beat_cb=None, term_cb=None, log=None): ''' This is a simple hearteat monitor: after construction, it's `beat()` method needs to be called in intervals shorter than the given `timeout` value. A thread will be created which checks if heartbeats arrive timely - if not, the current process is killed via `os.kill()` (but see below). If a callback `beat_cb` is specified, the watcher will also invoke that callback after every `interval` seconds. This can be used to ensure heartbeats by the owning instance (which may feed this or any other `Heartbeat` monitor instance). The `term_cb` callback is invoked on heartbeat failure, i.e., just before the process would be killed, and gets a single argument, the uid of the failing heartbeat sender. If that term callback returns `True`, the kill is avoided though: timers are reset and everything continues like before. This should be used to recover from failing components. When timeout is set to `None`, no trigger action on missing heartbeats will ever be triggered. ''' # we should not need to lock timestamps, in the current CPython # implementation, dict access is assumed to be atomic. But heartbeats # should not be in the performance critical path, and should not have # threads competing with the (private) dict lock, so we accept the # overhead. if timeout and interval > timeout: raise ValueError('timeout [%.1f] too small [>%.1f]' % (timeout, interval)) self._uid = uid self._log = log self._timeout = timeout self._interval = interval self._beat_cb = beat_cb self._term_cb = term_cb self._term = mt.Event() self._lock = mt.Lock() self._tstamps = dict() self._pid = os.getpid() self._watcher = None if not self._log: self._log = Logger('radical.utils.heartbeat') self._log.debug_1('hb %s create', self._uid) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def start(self): self._log.debug_1('hb %s start', self._uid) self._watcher = mt.Thread(target=self._watch) self._watcher.daemon = True self._watcher.start()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def stop(self): self._term.set()
# # no need to join, is a daemon thread # self._watcher.join() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def uid(self): return self._uid # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def dump(self, log): if not log: log = self._log log.debug_9('hb dump %s: \n%s', self._uid, pprint.pformat(self._tstamps))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def watch(self, uid): with self._lock: if uid not in self._tstamps: self._log.debug_8('hb %s watch %s', self._uid, uid) self._tstamps[uid] = None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _watch(self): # initial heartbeat without delay if self._beat_cb: self._log.debug_8('hb %s beat cb init', self._uid) self._beat_cb() while not self._term.is_set(): self._log.debug_8('hb %s loop %s', self._uid, self._interval) time.sleep(self._interval) now = time.time() if self._beat_cb: self._log.debug_8('hb %s beat cb', self._uid) self._beat_cb() # avoid iteration over changing dict with self._lock: uids = list(self._tstamps.keys()) self._log.debug_8('hb %s uids %s', self._uid, uids) for uid in uids: self._log.debug_8('hb %s check %s', self._uid, uid) with self._lock: last = self._tstamps.get(uid) if last is None: self._log.warn('hb %s inval %s', self._uid, uid) continue if now - last > self._timeout: if self._log: self._log.warn('hb %s tout %s: %.1f - %.1f > %.1f', self._uid, uid, now, last, self._timeout) ret = None if self._timeout: # attempt to recover if self._term_cb: ret = self._term_cb(uid) else: # we silently assume that the watchee recovered, thus # avoiding termination ret = True if ret in [None, False]: # could not recover: abandon mothership self._log.warn('hb %s fail %s: fatal (%d)', self._uid, uid, self._pid) os.kill(self._pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) os.kill(self._pid, signal.SIGKILL) else: # recovered - the failed UID was replaced with the one # returned by the callback. We delete the heartbeat # information for the old uid and register a new # heartbeat for the new one, so that we can immediately # begin to watch it. assert isinstance(ret, str) self._log.info_1('hb %s recov %s -> %s (%s)', self._uid, uid, ret, self._term_cb) with self._lock: del self._tstamps[uid] self._tstamps[ret] = time.time() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def beat(self, uid=None, timestamp=None): if not timestamp: timestamp = time.time() if not uid: uid = 'default' with self._lock: self._log.debug_9('hb %s beat [%s]', self._uid, uid) self._tstamps[uid] = timestamp
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # def is_alive(self, uid=None): # ''' # Check if an entity of the given UID sent a recent heartbeat # ''' # # if not uid: # uid = 'default' # # with self._lock: # ts = self._tstamps.get(uid) # # if ts and time.time() - ts <= self._timeout: # return True # # return False # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait_startup(self, uids=None, timeout=None): ''' Wait for the first heartbeat of the given UIDs to appear. This returns the list of UIDs which have *not* been found, or `None` otherwise. ''' if not uids: uids = ['default'] uids = as_list(uids) start = time.time() ok = list() while True: with self._lock: ok = [uid for uid in uids if self._tstamps.get(uid)] nok = [uid for uid in uids if uid not in ok] self._log.debug_3('wait for : %s', nok) if len(ok) == len(uids): break if timeout: if time.time() - start > timeout: self._log.debug_3('wait time: %s', nok) break time.sleep(0.25) if len(ok) != len(uids): nok = [uid for uid in uids if uid not in ok] self._log.error('wait fail: %s', nok) return nok else: self._log.debug_3('wait ok : %s', ok)
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