Source code for radical.utils.futures

__author__    = "Radical.Utils Development Team"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, RADICAL@Rutgers"
__license__   = "MIT"

import traceback

import threading as mt

_out_lock = mt.RLock()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# our futures have state, the states are defined here
# NOTE: these strings are carefully chosen to match the state specifiers of 
#       `radical.saga.Task` and `radical.saga.Job` instances.
NEW      = 'New'
RUNNING  = 'Running'
DONE     = 'Done'
FAILED   = 'Failed'
CANCELED = 'Canceled'


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Future(mt.Thread): """ This `Future` class is a thin wrapper around Python's native `mt.Thread` class. It is expected to wrap a callable, and to watch its execution. """ # FIXME: we may want to use a thread pool to limit the number of threads # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, call, *args, **kwargs): ''' Construct the Future. The first argument is expected to be a Python `callable` which is executed in its own thread. All other arguments are passed blindly to that callable when `self.start()` is called. ''' if not callable(call): raise ValueError("Thread requires a callable to function, not %s" % (str(call))) mt.Thread.__init__(self) # NOTE: we use daemon threads to avoid termination issues self.daemon = True self._call = call self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._state = NEW self._result = None self._exception = None self._traceback = None # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @classmethod def Run(self, call, *args, **kwargs): """ This is a shortcut to f = ru.Future(callable); f.start() """ t = self(call, *args, **kwargs) t.start() return t
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def run(self): try: self._state = RUNNING self._result = self._call(*self._args, **self._kwargs) self._state = DONE except Exception as e: # NOTE: `state` and `exception` updates are racing. tb = traceback.format_exc() self._traceback = tb self._exception = e self._state = FAILED
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None): if self.is_alive(): self.join(timeout=timeout)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def cancel(self): # FIXME: this is not really implementable generically, so we ignore # cancel requests for now. This *should* be handled on the SAGA # layer where cancel requests are forwarded to the callable's # adaptor. pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def state(self): return self._state @property def result(self): return self._result @property def exception(self): return self._exception @property def traceback(self): return self._traceback
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------