Source code for radical.utils.debug

import os
import sys
import time
import pprint
import signal
import random
import inspect
import traceback

import threading as mt

from .ids     import generate_id
from .misc    import ru_open
from .threads import get_thread_name

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_ps_cmd = 'ps -efw'
if sys.platform != 'darwin':
    _ps_cmd += ' --forest'

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[docs]def get_trace(): trace = sys.exc_info()[2] if trace: stack = traceback.extract_tb(trace) traceback_list = traceback.format_list(stack) return ''.join(traceback_list) else: stack = traceback.extract_stack() traceback_list = traceback.format_list(stack) return ''.join(traceback_list[:-1])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # pylint: disable=unused-argument # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def get_stacktraces(): id2name = dict() for th in mt.enumerate(): id2name[th.ident] = ret = dict() stacklist = list(sys._current_frames().items()) # pylint: disable=W0212 for tid, stack in stacklist: name = id2name.get(tid, 'noname') ret[tid, name] = traceback.extract_stack(stack) return ret
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[docs]def get_exception_trace(msg=None): return traceback.format_exc().split('\n')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def get_stacktrace(): return traceback.format_stack()[:-1]
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[docs]def get_caller_name(skip=2): ''' Get a name of a caller in the format module.class.method `skip` specifies how many levels of stack to skip while getting caller name. skip=1 means 'who calls me', skip=2 'who calls my caller' etc. An empty string is returned if skipped levels exceed stack height Kudos: \ python-how-to-get-the-callers-method-name-in-the-called-method ''' stack = inspect.stack() start = 0 + skip if len(stack) < start + 1: return '' pframe = stack[start][0] name = list() module = inspect.getmodule(pframe) # `modname` can be None when frame is executed directly in console # TODO(techtonik): consider using __main__ if module: name.append(module.__name__) # detect classname if 'self' in pframe.f_locals: name.append(pframe.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__) codename = pframe.f_code.co_name if codename != '<module>': # top level usually name.append(codename) # function or a method del pframe return '.'.join(name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _verb = False if 'RADICAL_DEBUG_VERBOSE' in os.environ: _verb = True _raise_on_state = dict() _raise_on_lock = mt.Lock() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def raise_on(tag, log=None, msg=None): ''' The purpose of this method is to artificially trigger error conditions for testing purposes, for example when handling the n'th unit, getting the n'th heartbeat signal, etc. The tag parameter is interpreted as follows: on the `n`'th invocation of this method with any given `tag`, an exception is raised, and the counter for that tag is reset. The limit `n` is set via an environment variable `RU_RAISE_ON_<tag>`, with `tag` in upper casing. The environment will only be inspected during the first invocation of the method with any given tag. The tag counter is process-local, but is shared amongst threads of that process. ''' with _raise_on_lock: if tag not in _raise_on_state: env = os.environ.get('RU_RAISE_ON_%s' % tag.upper()) if env and env.startswith('RANDOM_'): # env is rnd spec rate = int(env[7:]) limit = 1 elif env: # env is int rate = 1 limit = int(env) else: # no env set rate = 1 limit = 0 _raise_on_state[tag] = {'count': 0, 'rate' : rate, 'limit': limit} _raise_on_state[tag]['count'] += 1 count = _raise_on_state[tag]['count'] limit = _raise_on_state[tag]['limit'] rate = _raise_on_state[tag]['rate'] if msg : info = '%s [%2d / %2d] [%s]' % (tag, count, limit, msg) elif _verb: info = '%s [%2d / %2d]' % (tag, count, limit ) if log : log.debug('raise_on checked %s' , info) elif _verb: print('raise_on checked %s' % info) if limit and count == limit: _raise_on_state[tag]['count'] = 0 if rate == 1: val = limit else: val = random.randint(0, 100) if val > rate: if log: log.warning('raise_on ignored %s [%2d / %2d]', tag, val, rate) elif _verb: print('raise_on ignored %s [%2d / %2d]' % (tag, val, rate)) return if log: log.warning('raise_on triggered %s [%2d / %2d]', tag, val, rate) elif _verb: print('raise_on triggered %s [%2d / %2d]' % (tag, val, rate)) # reset counter and raise exception raise RuntimeError('raise_on for %s [%s]' % (tag, val))
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[docs]def attach_pudb(log=None): # need to move here to avoid circular import from .threads import gettid host = '' # host = gethostip() tid = gettid() port = tid + 10000 if log:'debugger open: telnet %s %d', host, port) else: print('debugger open: telnet %s %d' % (host, port)) try: import pudb # pylint: disable=E0401 from pudb.remote import set_trace # pylint: disable=E0401 pudb.DEFAULT_SIGNAL = signal.SIGALRM set_trace(host=host, port=port, term_size=(200, 50)) except Exception as e: if log: log.warning('failed to attach pudb (%s)', e)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _SNIPPET_PATHS = ['%s/.radical/snippets/' % os.environ.get('RADICAL_BASE', '/tmp')]
[docs]def add_snippet_path(path): ''' add a path to the search path for dynamically loaded python snippets (see `ru.get_snippet()`). ''' if 'RADICAL_DEBUG' in os.environ: if path not in _SNIPPET_PATHS: _SNIPPET_PATHS.append(path)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]def get_snippet(sid): ''' RU exposes small python snippets for runtime code insertion. The usage is intended as follows: * a programmer implements a class * for some experiment or test, that class's behavior must be controled at runtime. * in all places where such an adaptation is expected to take place, the programmer inserts a hook like this: exec(ru.get_snippet('my_class.init_hook')) * this will trigger RU to search for python files of the name `` in `$RADICAL_BASE/.radical/snippets/` (default), and return their content for injection. The snippet search path can be extended by calling. ru.add_snippet_path(path) The `RADICAL_DEBUG` environment variable needs to be set for this method to do anything. A snippet can use the following literal strinfgs which will be replaced by their actual values: '###SNIPPET_FILE###' - filename from which snippet was loaded '###SNIPPET_PATH###' - path in which the snippet file is located '###SNIPPET_ID###' - the sid string used to identify the snippet ''' if 'RADICAL_DEBUG' in os.environ: for path in _SNIPPET_PATHS: fname = '%s/' % (path, sid) try: with ru_open(fname, 'r') as fin: snippet = snippet = snippet.replace('###SNIPPET_FILE###', fname) snippet = snippet.replace('###SNIPPET_PATH###', path) snippet = snippet.replace('###SNIPPET_ID###', sid) return snippet except: pass return 'None'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]class DebugHelper(object): ''' When instantiated, and when 'RADICAL_DEBUG' is set in the environment, this class will install a signal handler for SIGUSR1. When that signal is received, a stacktrace for all threads is printed to stdout. We also check if SIGINFO is available, which is generally bound to CTRL-T. Additionally, a call to 'dh.fs_block(info=None)' will create a file system based barrier: it will create a unique file in /tmp/ (based on 'name' if given), and dump the stack trace and any 'info' into it. It then waits until that file has changed (touched or removed etc), and then returns. The wait is a simple pull based 'os.stat()' (once per sec). ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, name=None, info=None): ''' name: string to identify fs barriers info: static info to dump into fs barriers ''' = name = info self.locks = dict() self.rlocks = dict() if not = str(id(self)) if 'MainThread' not in mt.current_thread().name: # python only supports signals in main threads :-/ return if 'RADICAL_DEBUG' in os.environ: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, print_stacktraces) # signum 30 signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, print_stacktraces) # signum 3 try: assert signal.SIGINFO signal.signal(signal.SIGINFO, print_stacktraces) # signum 29 except AttributeError: # stack unwind in progress pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def register_lock(self, name, lock): assert name not in self.locks, name self.locks[name] = lock
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def register_rlock(self, name, rlock): assert name not in self.rlocks, name self.rlocks[name] = rlock
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[docs] def unregister_lock(self, name): assert name in self.locks, name del self.locks[name]
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[docs] def unregister_rlock(self, name): assert name in self.rlocks, name del self.rlocks[name]
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[docs] def fs_block(self, info=None): ''' Dump state, info in barrier file, and wait for it tou be touched or read or removed, then continue. Leave no trace. ''' if 'RADICAL_DEBUG' not in os.environ: return try: pid = os.getpid() tid = mt.currentThread().ident fb = '/tmp/ru.dh.%s.%s.%s' % (, pid, tid) fd = ru_open(fb, 'w+'),0) fd.write('\nSTACK TRACE:\n%s\n%s\n' % (time.time(), get_trace())) fd.write('\nSTATIC INFO:\n%s\n\n' % pprint.pformat( fd.write('\nINFO:\n%s\n\n' % pprint.pformat(info)) fd.flush() new = os.stat(fb) old = new while old == new: new = os.stat(fb) time.sleep(0.1) except: # we don't care (much)... pass finally: if fd : fd.close() try : os.unlink(fb) except: pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _debug_helper = None if 'RADICAL_DEBUG_HELPER' in os.environ: if not _debug_helper: _debug_helper = DebugHelper() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
[docs]class Lock(object): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, name=None): self.lock = mt.Lock() self.owner = None self.waits = list() = name if not = generate_id('lock') if _debug_helper: _debug_helper.register_lock(, self) def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, a, b, c): self.release() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def acquire(self, blocking=True): self.waits.append(get_thread_name()) ret = self.lock.acquire(blocking=blocking) if ret is not False: self.owner = get_thread_name() self.waits.pop() return ret
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[docs] def release(self): self.lock.release() self.owner = None
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[docs]class RLock(object): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, name=None): self.lock = mt.RLock() self.owner = None self.waits = list() = name if not = generate_id('rlock') if _debug_helper: _debug_helper.register_rlock(, self) def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, a, b, c): self.release() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def acquire(self, blocking=True): self.waits.append(get_thread_name()) ret = self.lock.acquire(blocking=blocking) if ret is not False: self.owner = get_thread_name() self.waits.pop() return ret
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[docs] def release(self): self.lock.release() self.owner = None
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